Theresa Wolfwood : l'affaire Luk Vervaet, an English review
Photo : Terry Wolfwood (left) with Aischa, a former Palestinian prisoner. Flinker, Jean & others. L'affaire Luk Vervaet. 2011. Revue Contradictions. Bruxelles, Belgique English review by Theresa Wolfwood. On July 14, 2011, I received a press article from Belgium that states in part, “A Belgian prison teacher has won a two year battle against a work ban on security grounds. Luk Vervaet, who had taught in prisons for five years when he was summarily dismissed from his post in August 2009, was a regular commentator on prison issues for national newspapers and had collaborated with academic research projects into prison conditions, high suicides rates, and the growing use of solidarity confinement especially within the context of anti-terrorist regimes. For two years, Luk Vervaet and his lawyers battled through the Belgian courts for an explanation as to why he was banned from working in prisons for reasons of security and the basis of secret evidence prov...